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A member registered Jan 28, 2021

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Ah, i had it set to always draw frame 1. That's fixed, but how do i flip the images if i am moving left?

Thank you, place_meeting is exactly what i was looking for. One more questiom, my hero, when he goes left the image isn't flipped. Also there are 4 frames for the sprite but it only shows the first. In my other test projects i was able to get it to work fine but it doens't in your engine. Can you help?????

I'm new to GameMaker. Instead of using floorcolor switches i want to use collision events but they don't seem to work. I select objPlayer, and collision event with objSpring, and for the code i use the code from the switch like this:

vsp = jmpspd*1.5;
y += jmpspd*1.5;
djump = DJA;
free = 1;
xstretch= .2; 
ystretch= 3;
with(floorblock) {xscale = 2;}

I also tried the same thing except checking for collisions with the spike.  Its like the player never collides with it.